If you are planning for a year, sow rice;
if you are planning for a decade, plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.

Chinese proverb

Sustainable development of health care is the effective use of resources so that it is based on durable, stable and resilient patient care mechanisms. Health care in every European country today faces serious challenges. These include primarily: an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases, the phenomenon of population aging, as well as the need to guarantee patients access to modern therapies that will help extend their life in good condition.

Human health is inextricably linked to climate change. Rising temperatures and poor air quality caused by pollution increase health care costs and the risk of spreading infectious diseases. Recent research shows a link between air pollution and deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic. If rapid regulatory action is not implemented at global and national levels, five new pandemic diseases will emerge each year. Add to this that the global healthcare sector is responsible for 4.4% of global emissions. If health care were a country, it would be the fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.

The Warsaw Health Care Summit is an international interdisciplinary event promoting the sustainable development of health care. The meeting serves to promote knowledge in the field of environmental protection, ecology, safe pharmacy, green procurement and supplies for the health sector, medical law, sustainable development of medical staff, new technologies and the use of artificial intelligence in the management of health care facilities.

Our intention is to increase awareness of minimizing environmental damage caused by the health care sector, which should improve and restore health while limiting the negative impact on the environment. We also promote the use of new technologies and artificial intelligence that can contribute to sustainable development, including: gap related to the shortage of medical staff. We support the development of Polish and international science in this area by disseminating the results of scientific, research and development, innovative and inventive activities, and we also share best practices from around the world.

During the meeting on March 11 and 12, 2024 at Arche Hotel Krakowska, we invite you to a number of interesting lectures and special lectures, engaging workshops, inspiring discussions, as well as interesting conversations in smaller and larger groups. Our invitation was accepted by distinguished guests from Poland and abroad. We believe that it will be an unforgettable meeting.

Change health care with us to a more modern and climate-friendly one!