The organizer of the Warsaw Health Care Summit is the Foundation for Sustainable Health Care MEDEA, which promotes sustainable development in health care and disseminates knowledge of the rights of patients and medical professionals.
The Foundation also works to improve the quality of medical services and minimize environmental losses in the process of their implementation. We monitor the effectiveness of the local and national health care system, as well as the activities of other organizations to improve health care, protect the environment and support health promotion. We develop and promote entrepreneurship, employment and investment activities in the field of medical law, environmental protection and new technologies.
Foundation Management Board

Dominika Maria Jaśkowiak
President of the management board of the Medea Foundation, president of the management board of the public relations agency LuxPR, specializing in communication for medical entities. Initiator and promoter of Polish hospitals and health care facilities joining the global network of green hospitals.
She graduated in law from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, law in business
at Lazarski University in Warsaw and postgraduate MBA studies accredited by Apsley Business School-London. While writing a dissertation entitled „System conditions for changes implying sustainable development in health care” in the area of health sciences at the Medical University of Lodz. Co-author of the textbook Renewable Energy – Economics, Technology, Law,
local government, society. Research areas include sustainable development in health care and green hospital management.
Justyna Esthera Król-Całkowska
Vice-president of the management board of the Medea Foundation, owner of the Ad REM law firm providing legal advice to people practicing medical professions, habilitated doctor of medical sciences, doctor of legal sciences, lecturer at the Medical University of Łódź and professor at the Lazarski University in Warsaw. Dean’s representative for the development of law in health care. Lecturer in the MBA program in health care at SGH-WUM and Umed in Białystok. She has been awarded many times in the ranking of the Best Lecturers of the WUM-SGH MBA Program. Author of numerous publications in the field of medical law, pharmaceutical law, new technologies in health care, in particular the development of artificial intelligence and robotics.
WHCS team
Agnieszka Łagań-Pyrak, opiekunka grantu
Sandra Jankowska, opiekunka biura
MEDEA Foundation for sustainable healthcare
ul. Aleja Róż 40/42,
91-488 Łódź, Polska
KRS: 0001085940
NIP: 7262703516
Telefon: 00 48 500 538 730
Komitet honorowy
Izabela Leszczyna
Minister Zdrowia
prof. Radzisław Kordek
Rektor Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
prof. Piotr Grzegorz Wachowiak
Rektor Szkoły Głównej Handlowej
Maria Gaden
Dyrektorka w Centrum zrównoważonych Szpitali, Dania.
Dr Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka
Dyrektorka Instytutu Zarządzania w Ochronie Zdrowia Uczelni Łazarskiego
Anders Bolmstedt
Przewodniczący Rady Dyrektorów Health Care Without Harm Europe Bruksela, Belgia
Marta Moles
Konsorcjum Zdrowia i Opieki Społecznej Katalonii, Hiszpania
Bartłomiej Łukasz Chmielowiec
Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta